Historic England

Historic England is the national body responsible for heritage protection. Stoke-on-Trent falls within the West Midlands Region of Historic England.


The Planning Portal

The planning portal includes links to all kinds of national and local planning policy and guidance documents, in addition to links to other useful web sites.


The Planning Inspectorate

The Planning Inspectorate deals with appeals against the refusal of planning permission, listed buildings consent, conservation areas consent and other planning consents.


Planning Aid

Planning Aid can offer free support and advice on planning matters. Anyone can obtain quick telephone advice. Some people may be eligible for more extensive support, depending on income. Planning Aid and Urban Vision North Staffordshire work in Partnership to provide advice for local people in North Staffordshire.


Stoke-on-Trent City Council

The City Council’s web site contains useful information on the area’s historic environment and contact details for more advice.


Stoke-on-Trent Planning Maps

The Public Access Mapping Service is Stoke-on-Trent City Council’s web based geographical information system (GIS) and provides you with access to real-time information on planning applications, allowing you to search for a specific application or look over new or undetermined applications and recent decisions. 


COTAC - Council on Training in Architectural Conservation

Formed in 1959, the Council's 21st century Objectives are to advance the education and training of all those involved in the protection and preservation of the historic environment that is of cultural, architectural or historical value, and to provide knowledge in support of training and education in the arts and skills required to protect and preserve it.


Understanding Conservation

Facilitated by COTAC, this site aims to support built environment professionals  presenting evidence of experience within the conservation sector to their individual professional institute for accreditation of conservation skills.


Additional local links can be found here.