Interested in getting involved?

You can volunteer just a few hours as a one-off, or more regularly if you prefer.
What would you like to do?

  • Be an audio archaeologist - listen to some recordings and make notes for the catalogue
  • Help us plan and deliver events and exhibitions
  • Create publicity

“The first words of the first recording I listened to were spoken by an elderly lady, interviewed in the 1970s. ‘I was born in eighteen hundred and seventy-nine,’ she said, and I nearly fell off my chair. It was as though she was sitting right next to me. By the time I’d heard her memories of going into service as a girl and the village bonfire celebrations for Queen Victoria’s jubilee, I was hooked.” (Jane, volunteer)



How can we help you?

Maybe we have relevant recordings that we can bring to your school, community group or event. If you have an event coming up, get in touch, and let’s find out.
Or maybe you’re interested in:

  • student work experience placements
  • schools workshops
  • helping plan the final exhibition in 2018, relating the collection to BBC Radio Stoke’s 50th anniversary.

Get in touch – we’d love to hear from you.

If you would like to know more about the project or are able to offer your help as a volunteer, please get in touch using the contact form and choosing the Revealing Voices category.